Annin Flagmakers Model 191337 Canada Flag USA-Made to Official United Nations Design Specifications, 3 x 5 Feet, Multicolor
Canada€s €œMaple Leaf€ flag, inspired by the flag of the Royal Military College of Canada, was selected in 1964 after a long and divisive debate. Addressing both the French and the English factions, the color red was taken from the St. George€s Cross, and the white from the French royal emblem. The Maple Leaf was selected as a symbol of all Canada. All Annin Flagmakers flags are sewn in either South Boston, VA or Coshocton, OH. Annin€s superior quality is time-tested and meets the requirements of the most discerning buyer. Nyl-Glo, Tough-Tex and Bulldog are registered trademarks and manufactured exclusively by Annin Flagmakers.