Anita Goodesign Embroidery ~ Foundations ~ Mix & Match Quilting ~Special Edition
What we have done is created a collection that consists of quilt blocks that easily merge with your existing designs and allows you to create beautiful quilts in your machine without using any software. You simply open the desired background block, merge your existing embroidery design and stitch the block! You will end up with a perfectly centered quilt block complete with your choice of many backgrounds and borders. This collection doesn't just come with square blocks. There are 3 different sizes of squares, 2 different rectangles, 2 different mitered corners and 2 different triangles. With these combinations you can create hundreds of different quilts! We refer to each of the shapes by different names, Large Square, Medium Square, Small Square, Large Rectangle, Small Rectangle, Large Mitered Corner, Small Mitered Corner, Large triangle and Small Triangle. There are 7 different stitch types for the different shapes. Each shape comes in four sizes so that they are compatible with our other quilt collections. For example the Large Square comes in an 8", 7", 6" and 5" versions.