Android: Up and Running With Android Programming.
The worldwide mobile app market is expected to exceed $77 billion in the next five years. That is a lot of money floating around. Every year more people buy mobile devices and they all crave one thing, more apps. There is not enough supply of great apps to satisfy the market.
If you are a beginning programmer you can use this fast and easy guide to make your first Android app. After that, there is no limit on what you can accomplish.
What is Development
Basics of Android Development
What is XML?
What is Java?
What is the Development Environment?
Setting Up PATH for Windows or Mac OSX
Creating Your Own Android App
User Interface
Android Manifest
Creating a Virtual Device
User Interface
Fragments and Activities
How to Specify the App’s Launcher
Java Basics for Android Programming
Classes and Objects
Programming Languages and IDESs
This fast guide has step-by-step directions to get you started on your first Android app. There are also tons of examples, screenshots, and colorful explanations to keep you on track. If you need more information on a topic, there are many links to more in-depth information.
If you have always wanted to create an Android app, you are now out of excuses. Get your ideas out of your head and into the store.