An Amish Romance: REBEKAH: Sweet Biblical Amish Romance (Amish Bible Heroes Book 3)
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An Amish Romance: REBEKAH: Sweet Biblical Amish Romance (Amish Bible Heroes Book 3)

The Amish Bible Heroes Collection takes timeless Biblical tales and adds an inspirational Amish twist that will delight lovers of sweet Amish romance. This beautiful story is inspired by the heartwarming account of Isaac and Rebekah’s miraculous courtship.

The Stoltzfus household is reeling from the death of their mother.

Ageing Abraham, now a widower, is also burdened by fears that his only son will leave the fragile Lucknow Amish community in search of love. But old Abe has an idea, one he believes is inspired by Gott.

This wild idea takes Abe’s best friend, Mark, hundreds of miles across country in search of the perfect bride for Isaac.

When the lovely Amish Rebecca Miller meets Mark on the road, he explains that he is a man on a mission - little does she realize that she herself is the mission he speaks of!

I am sure you will be delighted and amused as this romantic jewel unfolds before your eyes. There is also a second unexpected joining of hearts that takes place, just as sweet, but I will leave you to discover that one as you read…

“Tucked in the folds of the book of Genesis is one of the most romantic stories you will ever have the pleasure to read - the story of how Isaac, Abraham’s son, and his wife Rebekah, come together as one. It is almost like a Mail Order Bride tale (I love those almost as much as Amish romances). The father sends out his servant to find the perfect Bride for his beloved son. On a spiritual level, this of course is a picture of our Father in Heaven sending the Holy Spirit to seek and bring us to the Heavenly Bridegroom, Jesus. How beautiful. But the story is also deeply human - it actually happened! Every time I read chapter 24 in Genesis I am touched particularly by the faith and humility of Rebekah. How could she not become the subject of a perfect Amish romance?” Grace Given, Author

The Amish Bible Heroes Collection is a love filled series of books that take their inspiration from timeless Biblical stories.
Included in the series…

An Amish Romance: RUTH
An Amish Romance: JONAH
An Amish Romance: REBEKAH

All are available for just $0.99 each and free on Kindle Unlimited.

  • AuthorGrace Given
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • FormatKindle eBook
  • IsAdultProduct
  • LabelClean Christian Romance
  • ManufacturerClean Christian Romance
  • NumberOfPages71
  • ProductGroupeBooks
  • ProductTypeNameABIS_EBOOKS
  • PublicationDate2015-09-02
  • PublisherClean Christian Romance
  • ReleaseDate2015-09-02
  • StudioClean Christian Romance
  • TitleAn Amish Romance: REBEKAH: Sweet Biblical Amish Romance (Amish Bible Heroes Book 3)