An American Caddie in St. Andrews: Growing Up, Girls, and Looping on the Old Course
A hilarious and poignant memoir of a Harvard student who comes of age as a caddie on St. Andrews€s fabled Old Course.
In the middle of Oliver Horovitz€s high school graduation ceremony, his cell phone rang: It was Harvard. He€d been accepted, but he couldn€t start for another year.
A caddie since he was twelve and a golfer sporting a 1.8 handicap, Ollie decides to spend his gap year in St. Andrews, Scotland€"a town with the U.K.€s highest number of pubs per capita, and home to the Old Course, golf €s most famous eighteen holes€"where he enrolls in the St. Andrews Links Trust caddie trainee program. Initially, the notoriously brusque veteran caddies treat Ollie like a bug. But after a year of waking up at 4:30 A.M. every morning and looping two rounds a day, Ollie earns their grudging respect€" only to have to pack up and leave for Harvard.
There, Ollie€s new classmates are the sons of Albania€s UN ambassador, the owner of Heineken, and the CEO of Goldman Sachs. Surrounded by sixth generation legacies, he feels like a fish out of water all over again and can€t wait to get back to St. Andrews. Even after graduation, when his college friends rush to Wall Street, Horovitz continues to return each summer to caddie on the Old Course.
A hilarious, irresistible, behind-the-scenes peek at the world€s most celebrated golf course€"and its equally famous caddie shack€"An American Caddie in St. Andrews is certain to not only entertain golfers and fans of St. Andrews but also anyone who dares to remember stumbling into adulthood and finding one€s place in the world.