American Sign Language Tales and Games for Kids - Woof Woof Way
Windows Only. The ASL Tales and Games CD-ROM series follows Paws, the signing dog, and his friends as they explore their neighborhood. Each piece of software contains 3 community-focused stories and 9 games. Neighborhood children are deaf, hard of hearing, or multiply disabled, and represent different ethnic groups. Signing and/or audio are options for accessing information. Recommended for ages 3 to 8. This CD, Woof Woof Way, focuses on events that take place on one street in Pawstown, Woof Woof Way. The stories are original and written to promote good English literacy, while simultaneously teaching important aspects of ASL. Each story can be viewed continuously, without the child needing to manipulate the mouse, or the child can control the story himself. Miriam Morrow, a deaf actress, signs each sentence dressed as Paws, the signing dog. Any word that is colored blue can be seen individually signed. Each story has three games, which reinforce skills in categorization, memory, spelling, literacy, visual processing, and creativity. The CD also contains a picture dictionary of the sign/English vocabulary used in the stories. The dictionary pictures can be printed. Children also can visit the video store on Woof Woof Way to see three ASL stories.