American Kitsune, Vol. 1 (Light Novel)
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American Kitsune, Vol. 1 (Light Novel)

The story of a boy, a fox, and a whole lot of ecchi€¦

Kevin Swift has the worst luck with women. It€s not that he€s unattractive or even unpopular. He just can€t talk to them. He blames it on all those Shōnen love comedies he enjoys watching. Fortunately, or unfortunately€•depending on who€s asking€•Kevin€s love life is about to start looking up.

After saving a fox€s life Kevin discovers that he actually rescued a Kitsune, a shape-shifter capable of transforming into a beautiful girl who appears to have popped right out of the pages to a Shōnen manga. Her name is Lilian, and she apparently wants to mate with him.

Between dealing with an overly amorous vixen€s zealous attempts at getting into his pants, his inability to talk to girls and school, Kevin is going to have his hands full.

  • TitleAmerican Kitsune, Vol. 1 (Light Novel)
  • ManufacturerKitsune Incoporated
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2014-02-28T00:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook