AmaBhulu - The Birth and Death of the Second America
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AmaBhulu - The Birth and Death of the Second America

The West has finally realized that €œbringing Democracy€ to the Middle East and Southwest Asia is not necessarily in the best interests of Western Civilization. Radical Islam is hijacking its plans and making a mockery of Democracy itself.

In South Africa, an earlier experiment in Bestowed Democracy is failing under a burden of abuse. Much taken with its own role in undoing apartheid a full generation earlier, the West prefers to look away. It appears to treat the plight of Western people in that country as a form of required penance. In the process, it indulges what is in effect a corrupt One-Party State Kleptocracy run along the Party Congress lines of its original mentor, the defunct Soviet Union.

AmaBhulu is a view of South Africa through eyes different from those employed in fifty years of media reporting, social science, and politics. The author walks the reader from the 1652 landing of the Dutch to the present by following his own family bloodlines as example through the documented history of the country, supported by copious evidence. As settlers, soldiers, slaves, and indigenes, they farm, they fight, they triumph, and they lose. They are mercilessly impaled and massacred by savage African tyrants. They are hanged and fusilladed by an imperial overlord, and herded into concentration camps. Yet, they persevere to create a key Western Christian country; the envy of all Africa and a Cold War bulwark of the West. Eventually it falls to the author to describe the loss of his country through forces beyond his control.

In 1797 the British Royal Navy feared South Africa would become a €œSecond America€ for Britain, while, in the 20th century, the country was to Africa what the United States was to the world. AmaBhulu describes the developing crisis in the Second America that will inevitably entangle the First America. It is a study in the death of Civilization by its own collective hand; a severe warning for the West.

AmaBhulu should give pause to every thinking Westerner.

  • TitleAmaBhulu - The Birth and Death of the Second America
  • BrandCliffwood Fogge
  • ManufacturerCliffwood Fogge
  • BindingPaperback
  • ProductGroupBook
  • ItemPartNumberblack & white illustrations
  • Modelblack & white illustrations
  • EANs9780992159016