All you need to know. about Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a common medical condition from which many people suffer but are unaware of the condition.
Many however do not get diagnosed as suffering from this potentially dangerous condition. This book seeks to explain what sleep apnea is, its symptoms, how it is diagnosed and treatments available. The management of the condition is also examined.
The book has been recently revised and looks at some of the latest treatments available for sleep apnea.
The writer, who is not a Doctor but a long standing sufferer of sleep apnea, has researched the subject, and believes that this book comprehensively explains the condition to the average person who may be concerned about this dangerous condition, on behalf of himself, or others.
The writer spent many years before diagnosis wondering why he was so constantly exhausted and the diagnosis and subsequent treatment has proved to be a life changer.
Reading this book may change your life also.