Alexander Henry Folklorico Estrella de los Muertos Tea Day of the Dead, 44-inch (112cm) Wide Cotton Fabric Yardage
Mexico. Mole. Mariachi. Colors, flavors, music and religious festivals are more exciting here. And so are you. Glittering sugar skulls, brilliant eye-dazzlers and friendly burros help to make this one of our most popular collections. Viva Folklorico!
Paseo de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) celebrations in Mexico can be traced back to the indigenous cultures. Rituals celebrating the deaths of ancestors have been observed by these civilizations perhaps for as long as 3,000 years. In the pre-Hispanic era, skulls were commonly kept as trophies and displayed during the rituals to symbolize death and rebirth.
Premium, first-quality 100% cotton fabric cut fresh from the bolt. Perfect for quilting, fashion apparel, home decor, scrapbooking and craft projects.