AirTamer A302 | Small Personal and Portable Air Purifier | Lithium Battery Operated | New Electrostatic Purification Technology, Proven Performance, Metal Travel Case
Do you love to travel? Visit the big cities of the world and meet new people? Did you know that some of the biggest cities in the world have an Air Quality Index ranging from 101-150, making the air extremely polluted and unhealthy? Enter, the AirTamer A302 – the world’s leading personal and portable air purification device, certified to filter up to 875% more pollutants out of the air than its closest competing humidifiers and purifiers. With the A302 Portable Personal Air Purifier you can immerse yourself in the joys of traveling without the stress of becoming sick. The AirTamer A302 uses electrostatic purification to create a 3-foot radius of healthier cleaner air in every direction around your neck, in turn protecting you against airborne bacteria and viruses. The A302 is compact - smaller than most car keys - and weighs only a fraction of a pound allowing it to be worn around your neck or clipped on your top. Powered by two included lithium coin cell batteries the A302 can run for 7 days of continuous use. Protect yourself safely and efficiently with the AirTamer A302 High-Performance Travel Air Purifier.