Agilent 34461A Digital Multimeter 6 1/2 Digit, 34401A Replacement, Truevolt DMM
Agilent€s Truevolt 34461A digital multimeter (DMM) is the new replacement for the 34401A DMM. The 34461A offers everything you€ve come to expect from the industry-standard 34401A with new display capabilities, Truevolt measurement performance and the industry€s only solution with 100%, drop-in 34401A compatibility. Worry about the quality of your design, not the quality of your measurement Patented analog-to-digital converter enables metrology grade architecture Measure your real-world signals, not instrument error: minimized measurement error, digital AC measurements and expanded measurement functionality All specifications tested, compliant and guaranteed according to ISO/IEC 17025 Everything you depend on with the 34401A and more Industry's only 100% drop-in, SCPI compatible replacement for the 34401A DMM Designed by the same team of engineers as the 34401A