Aggrostics Vol. I
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Aggrostics Vol. I

The solutions for these new double acrostic puzzles are passages from the best sellers lists of the last decade and from the pages of classical literature. The puzzles are presented in 8.5" x 11" landscape (horizontal) format, which allows the solver to spread the book open flat such that the grid is on one page in horizontal position with the clues page directly below it, also in horizontal position. The reader supplies answers to a set of starting questions on the clues page. Then, by transferring the answers letter by letter to a grid on the page above it, the reader discovers an excerpt from a piece of popular writing As the grid starts to fill, letters may transfer as well from the grid to the starting answers. The first letter to each answer to the starting questions will spell out vertically the name of the solution's author and title of the work from which the excerpt is taken. There are 20 puzzles and grids in larger type for easier reading, followed by twenty pages of solutions. Why "Aggrostics" instead of "Acrostics" (which is what they are)? I don't know how much "aggro" there is in solving them - but I had plenty of aggro in setting them! :>)

  • TitleAggrostics Vol. I
  • ManufacturerCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • BindingPaperback
  • ProductGroupBook
  • UnitCount1
  • EANs9781494392659