Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher, 5/e
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Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher, 5/e

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any
media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come
packaged with the bound book.
Born of the author's own experience working
with teachers and principals, Action Research, 5/e, provides
a research-based step-by-step outline of how to do action research.
The author guides teachers and administrators through the action
research process via numerous concrete illustrations; positioning
it as a fundamental component of teaching.
From reviews of the book:
“Mills’ writing style is
informative, direct, and personalized and his expertise as a
researcher is evident throughout the textbook. ¿He fully
understands the uniqueness of teacher-centered research. . . .
¿The language and the illustration cater to the classroom
research contexts and it is easy to understand and
–Adel Al-Bataineh, ¿Illinois
State University
¿“The book emphasizes the
importance of reflection and creating an action plan. . . .
Examples of action research papers are included.¿ There are
study sites, videos, slides and other supplemental materials
available for the students to consult for ancillary learning.
¿The writing style is clear, interesting and engaging.¿
Throughout the text, Mills offers the reader a research scenario
that helps to position him or her around the theme of the chapter
and context of the research phase. This helps to alleviate some of
the anxiety students of action research may experience as they
begin each aspect of the action research process.”
–Beverly Melenyzer, California
University of Pennsylvania
“[T]he survey examples, SurveyMonkey,
and direct observation examples are very good, as well as the
informal interview, making records, [and] data collection
techniques. . . .¿ [T]he section on re-aligning the focus and
action research plan is very good. I find my students doing this as
they are doing their literature review and understanding that they
need to narrow the scope of their research.¿ I like the
example of doing AR in Ch. 6. . . .¿ I like the inclusion of
the data analysis, sample interview and other models of how to
analyze data. . . . The key strengths of the project are the
authentic examples of AR.”
–Mary Frances Agnello, Texas Tech
Balanced coverage of data collection and
analysis techniques for qualitative, quantitative and mixed

Chapter 4, Data Collection Techniques, covers collection
techniques for the most frequently used qualitative and
quantitative data, including observations, interviews, teacher-made
tests, and standardized test data.
Chapter 6, Data Analysis and Interpretation, guides students
through data analysis and provides techniques, coding guidelines,
and examples for analyzing both quantitative and qualitative
Inclusion throughout the text of digital research tools that
can be used by action researchers through each phase of the action
research process.¿

A focus on producing critical consumers
of action research

Chapter 9,¿Evaluating Action Research, helps
students¿learn to read and critique studies completed by
others.¿ Included in Chapter 9 is an article from an action
research journal that is analyzed using the new criteria for
evaluating action research.
Appendix A, Action Research in Action, contains an extended
example and evaluation of an action research case study.

Expanded coverage of the ethics of
conducting research in your own classroom

Chapter 2, Ethics, includes discussion of ethical guidelines
and provides guidance for seeking and obtaining Institutional
Review Board (IRB) approval.

  • AuthorMills
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • Edition5
  • EISBN9780133119572
  • FormatKindle eBook
  • LabelPearson
  • ManufacturerPearson
  • NumberOfPages272
  • ProductGroupeBooks
  • ProductTypeNameABIS_EBOOKS
  • PublicationDate2013-01-18
  • PublisherPearson
  • ReleaseDate2013-01-30
  • StudioPearson
  • TitleAction Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher, 5/e