Act First, Think Later: The Kickass Entrepreneur's Guide to Rapid Success in Business and Life! (Make Sh*t Happen Book 3)
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Act First, Think Later: The Kickass Entrepreneur's Guide to Rapid Success in Business and Life! (Make Sh*t Happen Book 3)

ACT FIRST, THINK LATER: The book that every driven entrepreneur who needs to know how to take EFFECTIVE fast action must read!

Creating your dream life?

It's something you never stop doing.

And like it or not, whatever you're currently spending your time on IS you creating your life. So whether or not you're currently creating your TRUE dreams or whether you're dancing to the tune the world says you must, is something you need to face up to regardless of how much you may not like the answer.

Because the truth is that life moves pretty damn fast. If you don't stop and consciously CHOOSE where you want to go, well, you're likely to end up somewhere you never wanted to be, never thought about going, and definitely do NOT consider "the dream".

For most people who DON'T stop to think about it, where they end up is perhaps fine from the outside looking in, but from the inside looking out it's possibly the most horrible place in the world to be.

Because really, is there anything worse at all than being trapped in a not quite right life that is entirely of your own making?

No. There's not. And I don't say that to be harsh, but I say it because I firmly believe that creating the life you really want is actually just as easy as living the ordinary life and doing what you grew up believing you should do.

In many ways, living life on your terms is actually easier, due to motivation and the satisfaction of hitting those goals no matter how many times you've fallen down first - not to mention that it's so much easier and more fun to follow your own rules than to try and conform to the rules and beliefs of others!

If you want to live the life you SAY you want, then now is the time. There's not a moment longer to be spent on living the WRONG LIFE.

In "Act First, Think Later" I will show you how to REPEATEDLY take the leap of faith to get over the fear, self-doubt, guilt, sabotage and finally live the life you damn well know you deserve and COULD BE LIVING ALREADY.

In this book we cover:

• How to have faith you can live your dreams

• What you need to know to take CONSISTENT action

• How to let go of guilt

• What to do when you're stuck

• How to take inspired action NOW, even if you don't know what the next step should be

• Becoming friends with fear, and using it to create even more momentum

• Being a modern-day Superwoman, on your terms

• How to stay the course

• Finding true joy in your work, and being able to do the work you love

• Dealing with overwhelm

• Knowing what matters MOST, to you, and knowing how to make it your reality

If you know you were born for big things but yet you're not LIVING into that destiny, then this is the book for you! Scroll back up now, and download your copy today.

And remember -

Life is Now. Press Play.

Kat x

About Kat Loterzo

Kat Loterzo is a multiple best-selling Amazon author, a speaker and a multi-passionate 'can not focus on one thing' entrepreneur, as well as a slightly over the top enthusiast of all things caffeine and chocolate related!

Kat writes about pressing play and creating the business and life of your dreams,, and she sends out daily 'Messages of Asskickery' via her blog at Kat is currently living location free, in pretty much any sunny place with great wifi that she can find, with her husband and 2 small children.

Scroll up to order your copy of Act First, Think Later! today.

  • TitleAct First, Think Later: The Kickass Entrepreneur's Guide to Rapid Success in Business and Life! (Make Sh*t Happen Book 3)
  • ManufacturerKatrina Ruth
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2014-07-07T00:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook