Achieving Your Personal Success: Prime Yourself for Success (The SUCCESS Handbook Book 3)
Have you stopped to consider what you really want in life? For example, what would you likeyour life to look like in a year? Five years? Ten years? What would it take for you to sit backand smile, feeling content and successful?
If you have never stopped to consider these questions, do so now. Set aside time where you canbe quiet and really think about the goals you have for your life, and what the word “successâ€means to you. The good news is that no one else can determine what will make you a success.You alone know what your desires are and you alone know your passions. Once you have identified your goals, it’s time to start making them happen. In order to make ithappen, it is absolutely essential to have strong communication skills. These skills will help opendoors for you, help you make connections and find support, and help you build the helpfulrelationships you need in order to have the life that you want. In this guide we will discuss several aspects of good communication. We will address:•Getting to know yourself•Getting to know others•The importance of presenting yourself in a professional manner•Communication etiquette•Listening skills •Non-verbal communication•Public SpeakingOur hope is that at the end of this guide you will have the knowledge you need to be able tocommunicate in a confident and appropriate manner and enjoy the success that will come yourway.
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