Accounting: In 60 Minutes! - The Ultimate Crash Course to Learning the Basics of Financial Accounting In No Time (Accounting, Financial Accounting, Investing)
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Accounting: In 60 Minutes! - The Ultimate Crash Course to Learning the Basics of Financial Accounting In No Time (Accounting, Financial Accounting, Investing)

Accounting Finally Made Simple (Yes, I'm Not Kidding!)

Are You Ready to Get Ahead of the Curve?

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Let me start with a bold statement: if you want to be successful in business and life, then you NEED to learn Accounting. Yes, you do. It doesn't matter what you do: maybe you work at a retail company, maybe you're a lawyer trying to close a deal, or a stock broker hoping to make that sale. We are ALL in the same game, and yet most people don't even realize it. Most people don't even take the time to incorporate and get better at one of the most important life skills there could ever be! That's precisely why at least 80% of the world population are ignorant when it comes to Financial Accounting. They SUCK at reading and interpretating financial statements. And so I did, back when I started my business career. It took me time to learn the right secrets. It took me a lot of time and errors to build the tools that would make me the business person I'm today. And now, I'm willing to share those secrets with you.

I wrote this book for a reason. I wrote this book to help you incorporate ALL the Accounting you'll ever need. I wrote it to show you how you can skip the averages and go the whole way. You see, I may not know you, but I certainly know something about you: both you and me are alike. Whether you are just getting started on business (and have no idea what an Income Statement is) or even if you are an experienced businessman with tons of big deals on your track record, I know you don't settle for average knowledge.. I know you want something better. You won't stop until you become your absolute best. You won't stop until you leave the pack behind. And guess what? That's why you need Accounting! That's precisely what we will go for on this book!

Hey, I'm not saying this is easy peasy. There's a bit of learning we have to go through first. And there's a lot of UNLEARNING we have to go through. Wrong methods, wrong concepts, self limiting beliefs, we will throw all that stuff AWAY and replace them with new, empowering beliefs and fresh knowledge. This is absolutely key! Don't worry, I've got you covered; we'll get everything right before carry on comprehend each and every aspect of Financial Accounting. After you've finished this book, you'll feel so much prepared to face the outer business world, I can promise you that. I'm glad to be here to share this journey with you!

My goal is simple. I will help you become the absolute BEST businessman (or woman) you can become by learning a bunch of Accounting concepts you simply can't ignore. Sounds too difficult? It's not. I will show you how. I will take you through a step by step guide where you simply can't get lost! Together, we will go to the roots of Accounting, Finance & Investing and transform that knowledge into an incredibly journey that will forever change the way you approach your business life. So let's go for it!

Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn Inside...

  • Introduction: Why You Can't Afford Not to Learn Accounting
  • An Introduction to Financial Accounting
  • Accounting Fundamentals (Balance Sheet, Income + Cash Flow Statements)
  • The Balance Sheet (Assets + Liabilities)
  • Income Statement (Revenue, Expenses, Taxes)
  • Statement of Cash Flows (With Detailed Examples!)
  • Financial Analysis and Ratios (Liquidity, Debt, Profitability)
  • Planning, Control, Cost Accounting
  • More Accounting Topics (Business Entities, Audits, Etc)
  • That's All the Accounting You Need! - Where to Go From Here
  • BONUS CHAPTER from "Communication Skills: How to Improve Your Communication Skills"
  • Much, much more!
Hurry! You can download "Accounting: In 60 Minutes! - The Ultimate Crash Course to Learning the Basics of Financial Accounting In No Time" for just $3.99

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  • BindingKindle Edition
  • FormatKindle eBook
  • IsAdultProduct
  • NumberOfPages138
  • ProductGroupeBooks
  • ProductTypeNameABIS_EBOOKS
  • PublicationDate2014-08-08
  • ReleaseDate2014-08-08
  • TitleAccounting: In 60 Minutes! - The Ultimate Crash Course to Learning the Basics of Financial Accounting In No Time (Accounting, Financial Accounting, Investing)