Acc U Rate Premium Fingertip Pulse Oximeter Blood Oxygen Saturation Monitor with black silicon cover, lanyard, pouch and batteries…
After the culmination of more than a thousand feedbacks, we are proud to announce the launch of the Acc U Rate® SM-310 fingertip pulse oximeter. Both the LED and sensor has been improved dramatically and can measures SpO2 (oxygen saturation) and PR (pulse rate) with extreme precision even at low blood perfusion. Just put your finger into the finger chamber and it will measure your SpO2 and PR within seconds.
The SM-310 retains the popular plethysmograph so that you can measure your SpO2 and PR with confidence.
How does the plethysmograph work?
Each wave (see above) corresponds to a heart beat and the wave amplitude corresponds to the amount of blood flowing through the blood vessels. If the wave amplitude is low, this means that your blood perfusion is too low for a reliable read. You should retake your measurement and make sure that your finger is positioned right under the LED lights.
The SM-310 also retain the dual color OLED rotatable display, allowing you to view your results in any directions.
Suitable for sports enthusiasts/aviators or anyone who is interested in measuring their SpO2 and PR. WARNING! This is not a medical device!
Acc U Rate® is a registered trademark of and exclusively distributed by Med Shop and Beyond. We will actively and aggressively pursue any parties who infringe on our intellectual property rights to the maximum extent allowed by the law. Beware of Imitation, Buy Original.
For the standard version (CMS 50 DL), please visit