About Teaching Mathematics: A K-8 Resource (4th Edition)
In this fourth edition of her signature resource, Marilyn presents her current thinking and insights and includes ideas from her most recent teaching experiences.
 Part 1, €œStarting Points,€ reflects the major overhaul of this book and addresses twenty-three issues important to thinking about teaching mathematics today.
 Part 2, €œProblem-Solving Investigations,€ opens with how to plan problem-solving lessons; followed by whole-class, small-group, and individual investigations organized into five areas of the curriculum: Measurement, Data, Geometry, Patterns and Algebraic Thinking, and Number and Operations.
 Part 3, €œTeaching Arithmetic,€ focuses on the cornerstone of elementary mathematics curriculum, offering ideas and assessments that build students€ understanding, confidence, and competence in arithmetic.
 In Part 4, €œQuestions Teachers Ask,€ features Marilyn€s responses to pedagogical questions she€s received from teachers over the years.
More than forty reproducibles for About Teaching Mathematics are available to download in a printable format.