AWESOME SECRETS for MEN, Catch Your Online Match
AWESOME! This is an Extraordinary book because you can start with DESSERT first!
That would be the SEX Chapter, or WHAT WOMEN WANT, or FREE FIRST DATES, or a few other sextions....oops....make that sections.
Or you can start with Chapter 1 if you want to know ALL the Awesome Secrets to online dating. Well-known dating Forum Guru DenverSky5280 spills ALL the secrets to dating success and makes it EASY to succeed!
The book is laid out like a giant, holiday buffet. Copy or imitate the examples to improve your PROFILE, your First Flirts, and your entire online dating experience.
If you decide to copy and wing it, in 10 minutes you can write a good online Profile and send a good First Flirt email.
Here's what men are saying...
STANDING OVATION to DENVERSKY!! Sturgeon Lake, Minnesota
YOU ARE MY SECRET AGENT from the other team! Florida
EXCELLENT!...WITTY, FUN, INFORMATIVE. Just like your Forum posts! Maine
YOUR ADVICE WAS AWESOME and hilarious. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
THANK YOU SO MUCH! I had no idea so many of the common terms could actually be misunderstood or interpreted as red flags. Toronto, Canada
YOUR ADVICE WAS EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED! Thanks so much! I know I'm not alone in this, but, I haven't been very good at selling myself in general. Bend, Oregon
FANTASTIC! THANKS DENVERSKY! I see where I was going wrong with the initial messages now. Birmingham, United Kingdom
WHEN I SEE SANTA NEXT, I€ll put in a good word for ya! Pennsylvania
I DIDN'T REALIZE what my profile said vs what was written. I will tweak it...and work on some pictures. Thanks again. You are a sweetheart for sure! Illinois
I LOVE YOU, DENVERSKY! I promise I won't forget about you when I'm a billionaire! Los Angeles, California
I HAVE A DATE Sunday, Monday, Thursday, and Friday... if you're ever in Eastern Kentucky I definitely owe you one... I've been alone for 13 months, and I am definitely digging the attention. I owe you big time... Again thanks so much. Kentucky
THANKS! THANKS! THANKS! For the changes I made based upon your suggestions, things are finally working!!! Alberta, Canada
DENVERSKY HAS XRAY-LIKE VISION and is great at picking up on every last detail in a profile. Never underestimate her advice. It's highly recommended! Florida