ASUS K52f-sx074v K52JB K52JC K52JE K52JK K52Jr K52jr-a1 K52jr-x2 K52jr-x4 Laptop Battery - Premium Bavvo 6-cell Li-ion Battery
Trademark Bavvo products are marketed exclusively by Bavvo. OEM compatible! High capacity battery certified by CE and RoHS, This battery was tested and proven to match and/or exceed original specifications of ASUS products. Fit Machine Models: ASUS K42JV K52 K52Series K52F K52f-a1 K52f-sx051v K52F-SX060D K52f-sx065x K52f-sx074v K52JB K52JC K52JE K52JK K52Jr K52jr-a1 K52jr-x2 K52jr-x4 K52jr-x5, Replacement for 70-NXM1B2200Z A31-K52 A32-K52 A41-K52 A42-K52