ALSRobotBase Mega sensor shield v2.0 for Arduino
2014 latest Sensor Shield v2.0 adopts the PCB immersion gold process, mainboard aureate quadrate ,pad spacing is small,welding components more convenient, SOP14patch components encapsulation, it is handy for electronic lovers and will not be bound by interpolation components; The board can be inserted into Arduino-compatible MEGA controller seamlessly , component can be welded on it directly, finish prototype can also stick the mini bread board, through 7 colour jumper line and finish circuit experiment, there are integrated power indicator and the status indicator lamp, and reset button, it is a good choice for you to learn Arduino-compatible MEGA controller easily.
PIN13 LED Pilot
Digital IO Ports D0-D53
Analog IO Ports A0-A15
Reset Button
Power In
Power LED
SD Card Interface
Ultrasonic Interface
ISP Interface
Bluetooth Interface
APC220 Interface
Arduino MEGA(1280)
Arduino MEGA(2560)
Arduino MEGA(ADK)