AIBC AI-MK350S Advanced Handheld Spectrometer
The UPRTEK AI-MK350S Spectrometer is an advanced version of MK350 (N), first lightweight, handheld, portable LED light spectrometer with a color screen which does not require a computer. This portable spectrometer can be used for LED / OLED lighting research and development, quality control of all lighting products, as well as conventional architectural and stage/studio lighting studies. With one click, in addition to viewing the full-color spectrum in color, you can also get the following lighting data: CCT, CRI, LUX, Lambda Peak, CIE1931, CIE 1976. PPF. All of this in the palm of your hand, no computer needed.
In addition of MK350 model features, MK350S has more features below:
• More than 30 light unit-of-measures plus: S/P Ratio, CQS,GAI, duv purity, △x,△y,△u',△v' R1-R15, fc,
• Photosynthetic Photon Flux (PPF): PPF (400nm~700nm), PPF-R (600~699nm), PPF-G (500~599nm) PPF-B (400~499nm) PPF-UV (380~399nm), PPF-NIR (700~780nm) μmol* m-2* s-1
• Illumination distribution charts provide assistance in fixture design
• "BIN" ranking features allow for fast CIE 1931 inspection and confirmation of LED quality
• Visual aim 'n click scope (on-screen viewport) - no more blind measurements
• Automatic continuous measurements with data-save to a SD card
• TM-30-15 IES Method for Evaluating Light Source Color Renditon, direct display Rf (Fidelity index), Rg (Gamut Index) and Color vector Graphic
• Easy, on-the-spot data comparison features - comparing 2 LEDs, or comparing against historical data
• Maximum and minimum acceptable ranges for validating LED quality
• "Built-in file browser allows users to instantly read data in saved files.