ABBA Paleo Bar (Whey Too Yummy)
The ABBA Bars are Drs. David and Anne Stewarts' answer to the current energy/snack bar offerings. The usual bar contains too many dried fruits, fruit juice concentrates, or other unwanted ingredients. The ABBA Bar provides just enough sweetness to satisfy along with quality protein, unsaturated fats, antioxidants, and fiber. Our current flavor offerings are the "Whey Too Yummy" and the "Pea Is For Paleo." Our "Whey Too Yummy" bar is for those who can tolerate whey protein and are seeking a high quality, complete protein source. The "Pea Is For Paleo" bar contains pea protein for those who cannot tolerate whey or those who want a non-animal sourced protein. Pea protein is more easily digested while offering lots of essential amino acids.