A Truer God: The Supreme Spirit of Light and Love in the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures
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A Truer God: The Supreme Spirit of Light and Love in the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures

THE TRUE GOD OF THE SACRED SCRIPTURES Superexcessively above and beyond the best intentions of the amiable adventurer of Christendom, who wants to save everybody but is unable to do so, the True God has a purpose worthy of the One Who created the universe and all the life that is in it. He is Supreme. In the Hebrew Scriptures, He is El which means Subjector; in the Greek Scriptures, He is Theos which means Placer. He is the Supreme Subjector and Placer of all. He “wills that all mankind be saved and come into a realization of the truth” (I Timothy 2:4), and He is “operating all in accord with the counsel of His will” (Ephesians 1:11). The will of the Almighty is paramount. There is no man or spirit who can withstand it. He is “Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure” (Isaiah 46:10). What do we know of God’s essential being? He is Spirit (John 4:24), He is Light (I John 1:5), and He is Love (I John 4:8). Since all is out of God (Romans 11:36), then creation is out of Spirit, Light, and Love—Love which purposes, Light which reveals, and Spirit which energizes. Can we even imagine Spirit and Light intending a final darkness for much of humanity? Can we entertain for a second that Love will take pleasure in even a single creature’s unending anguish? Let us consider these very direct and simple words from the apostle Paul: Faithful is the saying and worthy of all welcome (for for this are we toiling and being reproached), that we rely on the living God, Who is the Saviour of all mankind, especially of believers. These things be charging and teaching (I Timothy 4:9-11). Perhaps in all the annals of human history, no declaration so deserving of acceptance has been so neglected or opposed as this—that God is the Saviour of all mankind. Yet, as we see from the context, the assertion that the living God, or True God, is the Saviour of all mankind, especially of believers, is faithful; that is, unfailing and dependable. The saying is worthy of all welcome. This means we should embrace it and believe it. True, all of God’s words are faithful and call for eager acceptance within their context, but here is a saying marked off with special emphasis and magnified with special importance. Paul further instructs Timothy to be charging and teaching this marvelous precept. This means it is a foundational truth of Christianity. The True God, the Supreme Subjector and Placer, is not just the Saviour of a few, or of some, or of many, or of most, but of all mankind. It is clear also from the context that believers, members of the body of Christ, enjoy an especial place—not an exclusive one—in the plans and purpose of the True God. The details will astound you. Off comes the cloak of dogma, creeds, and mistranslations revealing the True God Who has always been there in the Sacred Scriptures: The Supreme Spirit of Light and Love.

  • AuthorRobert Bowie Johnson Jr.
  • BindingPaperback
  • EAN9780970543868
  • ISBN0970543867
  • LabelSolving Light Books
  • ManufacturerSolving Light Books
  • NumberOfPages144
  • ProductGroupBook
  • ProductTypeNameABIS_BOOK
  • PublicationDate2012-08-06
  • PublisherSolving Light Books
  • StudioSolving Light Books
  • TitleA Truer God: The Supreme Spirit of Light and Love in the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures