A Small, Untroubled World: The Art of Gustave Baumann 2012 Calendar
Crusted with snow or swung by a gust of wind, trees frame, punctuate, animate, and anchor many of the prints created by Gustave Baumann (American, b. Germany, 1881€“1971). In some cases, when the artist devotes his full attention to a noble sycamore in autumn leaf or a rhythmic group of eucalyptuses, these might be called portraits rather than nature studies. The twelve woodcuts reproduced here exemplify Baumann's ability to capture the spirit of his surroundings with subtlety and grace, whether an oceanside scene or the crystalline light and rich, soft colors of the American Southwest.
Size: 12 x 13 in.; opens to 12 x 26 in. Printed on FSC certified paper with soy-based inks.