A More Christlike God: A More Beautiful Gospel
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A More Christlike God: A More Beautiful Gospel

What is God like? Toxic images abound: God the punishing judge, the deadbeat dad, the genie in a bottle—false gods that need to be challenged.
But what if, instead, God truly is completely Christlike? What if His love is more generous, his Cross more powerful, and his gospel more beautiful than we’ve dared to imagine? What if our clearest image of God is the self-giving, radically forgiving, co-suffering Love revealed on the Cross? What if we had 'A More Christlike God'?


"This excellent and much-needed book confronts
with both open heart and very good
mind the major obstacles we have created
for people in their journey toward God! So
many of us are asking, “Why didn’t people
teach us this many years ago?” I am so
grateful that Brad Jersak is re-opening the
door that Jesus had already opened 2000
years ago. It is so terribly sad that it was
ever closed."
Center for Action and Contemplation

"With theological integrity and open-hearted
compassion, Brad Jersak creates a beautiful
space for Jesus to challenge our views of
God. A breath of clean and clarifying air."
Author of The Shack

"Brad Jersak has given us a gift of greatest
value: a fresh vision of God, Christ, the
Cross, Scripture and ourselves. He displays
the rare ability to take deep theological
issues and make them understandable
to everyone. Jersak represents a new generation
of Christian theologians whose work
is both desperately needed and wonderfully
Author of We Make the Road by Walking

"Brad Jersak has immersed himself in the
company of the poor, the addicted, the
outsiders. He is determined to recover the
essence of the “beautiful” gospel for all
of us. The conspicuous mark that characterizes
every page of this winsome
witness is that it is a “lived theology.” He
has given attentive detail to what is in the
theological libraries, but is not content
with that. He has worked it out on the
streets and in the lives of those with
whom he has chosen to share his life and
Christlike God witness, a convincingly
beautiful Gospel."
Translator of The Message

“'Good souls many will one day be horrified
at the things they now believe of
God.' George MacDonald’s prophecy
has found its fulfillment in Brad Jersak’s
journey from the ‘volatile moral monster’
to the face of Jesus’ Father. Here the
ancient song of light sings us new eyes:
Behold the Lamb, just like his Father.
A priceless treasure, worthy of serious
Author of The Shack Revisited and Patmos

  • TitleA More Christlike God: A More Beautiful Gospel
  • ManufacturerCWR Press
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2015-04-22T05:31:21.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook