A Master Course in Feng-Shui: An In-Depth Program for Learning to Choose, Design, and Enhance the Spaces Where We Live and Work
This fully illustrated, comprehensive workbook is designed primarily for homeowners, renters, architects, and business owners who want to put feng-shui to practical personal use€"to choose a home, build a house, select an office, or find a retail space. Real estate agents, interior designers, and architects will also find it useful as a reference manual. The text and exercises proceed in systematic fashion from basic principles to specific projects, covering the following lessons:
   € Evaluating the landscape and external environment by using the techniques of the Landform School
   € Using the geomantic compass to chart patterns of energy within a building
   € Planning the usage of space
   € Matching occupants to a house
   € Deciding on the placement of furniture
   € Improving the feng-shui of a building with countermeasures, enhancers, and renovations
   € Building a new house
   € Choosing or designing an apartment, business suite, or retail space