A Kingdom For the Introvert
Introvert: The term is loaded with negative connotations, but I will use it, because it is the word most used in the common sphere.
An introvert is not someone who just needs to €˜get out more€ and €learn to not be so shy€ but a person with a separate philosophy of life from the noisy majority.
Introverts are not just people who are shy or talk less. They are an altogether different culture with different values.
Many of the books and websites about introversion are about how not to be introverted, as if all our natural proclivities were some kind of disease.
As an expression of human desire, the market readily tells us that being an introvert is a difficult place to be. Most introverts want out. Or at least we think we do...
For those who have never belonged, involvement with the orthodoxy continues because they have no choice. They feel helpless, confined, and coerced through all of life. Worse still, they must suffer silently while surrounded by people who can never understand them. Everyone has a basic human need to belong somewhere!
I've tried to define the essential elements and values of this introvert culture.
I have tried to form the foundations of a Kingdom for the Introvert, a culture that offers pride and belonging where the birth culture offered shame and exclusion.