A Dude's Guide to Babies: The New Dad's Playbook
A Dude's Guide to Babies: The New Dad's Playbook is a fun user's manual for every dude who's sweating all the small and big stuff about bringing up his little dude or dudette. With seven children between them (and wives who helped somewhere in there) Richard Jones and Barry Robert Ozer share straight talk, practical advice, and personal experiences (their own and those of other dads) to ease the stress about cleaning, feeding, and playing with your newborn, as well as keeping him or her safe, happy, and not in need of too much therapy. This guide reveals what to do in the delivery room (Houston, We Have Splashdown), how to baby-proof your home without going over-the-top, the inside scoop on poop, questions to ask the doctor for a well-child visit, and it also includes Pop's Quizzes so dudes can test their Dad-fu (think Kung-fu only with more diapers and fewer mystical quests).The funny, short chapters will keep new Dads interested as well as allow them time to catch a few minutes of the game before the baby wakes up. This is the must-have book that tells what to really expect after all those months of expecting...and how to thrive (and not just survive) as a new dad.