A Dog Called Demolition
Each one of us has an invisible space alien perched upon our shoulders controlling our thoughts. This is not a good thing!
Danny used to be a sad and lonely man, but now he is happy. Because now Danny has a dog of his very own. A nice big dog with a waggy tail and a smiley face. The dog’s name is Demolition but only Danny can see him.
Men from The Ministry of Serendipity are monitoring Danny’s every move. They have a special agent on the case, his name is Parton Vrane and he is half man and half cockroach.
Described as a nightmare journey to Hell and back, with only a brief stop off at a KFC for a quick bucket of grub and a visit to the toilet, A Dog called Demolition is a genuine horror story. Where Silence of the Lambs and Seven merely dipped their toes in terror’s icy waters, Robert Rankin boldly takes off his lurex sock and really puts his foot in it.