A Better Tomorrow
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A Better Tomorrow

A Better Tomorrow is a character driven thriller about the movement of consciousness through the multiverse in search of lost love. Jordan is the unassuming guinea pig coerced into the highly secretive and controversial experiment where his consciousness is shifted from the here and now to a different body in the past in another universe. He is given a second chance to save his fiancée’s life when she was murdered during a robbery, but he fails and accidentally kills someone else in his attempt to save her. The experiment was only a partial success because he was sent to a universe in the past but cannot return to his present body. He is stuck in an alternate universe as a fugitive running from the police and seeking redemption for his fiancée’s death while trying to reach the doctor, the only one who can help him return to his true existence.

He loses his grip on reality as his consciousness slips between different circumstances, making it hard to know what is real and what is in his mind. Believing nothing to be reality, he went from being the common man to a reckless fugitive who will stop at nothing to find a universe where his fiancée is still alive.

  • TitleA Better Tomorrow
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2014-08-04T07:00:24.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook