54 3-D Scroll Saw Patterns (Schiffer Book for Woodworkers)
Since the publication of A Scroll Saw Christmas woodworkers have been clamoring for more three-dimensional patterns to use on the scroll saw. Now here it is. 54 new patterns to transform into wonderful creations. The marvelous thing about these is that they look great even as they come off the saw...and with a little hand carving and a touch of paint they come to life. Frank includes a short step-by-step guide, illustrated with color photographs, to introduce the use of the scroll saw for 3-D work . There is also a color gallery with examples of many cut items, showing them in various states of finish, rough and carved, natural and painted. You could expect to pay many times the cost of this book for the patterns alone. This wonderful volume has all you need for a pleasurable and profitable 3-D experience.