3.5X LED Lupenbrille Scheinwerfer Surgical Binocular Loupes 420mm Optical LENS (Black)
LoupesMagnification: 3.5X
Working distance: 420mm
Depth of field: 80mm
Field of View: 60mm
Weight: 52g
Frames: Ni-alloy or Titanium
Packing List:
Main glass: 1 each
Protect cups: 2 each
Handy Protective Carry Case: 1 each
Inclusive cleaning cloth: 1 each
Screwdriver: 1 each
Flexible Headband: 1 each
Adjust Tool: 1 each
LED head light: 1 each
Adaptor: 1 each
Battery: 1 each
Black case: 1 each