33 Ways To Raise Your Credit Score: Proven Strategies To Improve Your Credit and Get Out of Debt
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33 Ways To Raise Your Credit Score: Proven Strategies To Improve Your Credit and Get Out of Debt

33 Easy Ways To Improve Your Credit Score

Anyone Can Dramatically Raise Their Credit Score Using These Proven Credit Strategies for Free

There's no need to pay for expensive attorneys or credit repair companies. You could raise your credit score by 25 points or more overnight with just one of these credit boosting tips.

In this book, you will discover:

Easy To Understand Action Steps Show You The Keys To a Better Credit Score

This life-changing guide to a higher FICO score is written in plain English without fancy words or confusing language. Just easy to implement action steps that will help you dramatically increase your credit score (without spending a dime or getting scammed by "free" credit report companies that charge you money and make it nearly impossible to get a refund).

How To Instantly Improve Your Credit Score By 25 Points or More

The credit repair strategies in this book could help you go from bad credit to excellent credit. If you have charge-offs, repos, bankruptcies, short sales, loan modifications, late payments or collections, you can fix it fast.

Good credit is something earned over time, but there are millions of people who have bad credit because of errors on their credit reports and other mistakes that can quickly be fixed to raise your credit score right away.

Credit Repair Made Easy

No matter how bad your credit is right now, you can repair it once and for all! The credit repair strategies in this book will allow you to remove all illegitimate and bad marks from your credit report quickly and easily.

It's not enough to find errors on your credit report; you have to be able to fix your credit report so that it's accurate.

How To Get a Free Credit Score Without Any Hassle

Many websites and companies claim they will give you a free credit score but they don't! They will try to charge you either a large one-time fee or an ongoing membership fee for access to your credit information.

But there is one website that gives you your credit score 100% free without trying to sell you anything, and you can monitor your score 24/7 without any cost. They can even provide you with free email alerts when anything new pops up on your credit report so you can take care of it right away.

How To Get a Huge Discount on Your Mortgage Rates and Loans

Following the easy action steps in this guide, you could save thousands of dollars a year in interest on your mortgage, auto loans, student debt, and other loans. The average American with a mortgage could save over $100 on their monthly housing payment with a small improvement in their credit score.

How To Save As Much As $500 On Your Cell Phone Plan

With the good credit you'll have using this book, you could save as much as $500 on your next cell phone service plan thanks to your excellent credit history.

Get Better Rates on Car Insurance and Auto Loans

You can also get much cheaper rates on car insurance and auto loans with a higher credit score, and avoid getting taken advantage of by shady finance companies.

Have The Ideal Number of Credit Cards to Maximize Your Credit Score

Did you know there's a "secret number" of credit cards you should have to maximize your credit score?

Not only will you learn how getting the right number of credit cards will help your score, but you'll also learn how to get huge discounts on credit card interest rates and annual fees with a simple 5-minute phone call.

About The Author

Tom Corson-Knowles is the international best-selling author of How To Reduce Your Debt Overnight and Destroy Your Distractions, among others. Tom struggled with credit card debt and a poor credit score for years until he learned these secrets that turned his financial life around. If Tom can do it, you can too!

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  • Title33 Ways To Raise Your Credit Score: Proven Strategies To Improve Your Credit and Get Out of Debt
  • ManufacturerTCK Publishing
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2013-01-10T00:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook