240-Watt ULTRASONIC POWER AMPLIFIER for ultrasound transducers
Extended Frequency 240-Watt POWER AMP.
New, extended frequency Power Amplifier. Unlike most power amps that go only to 20kHz, this power amp is rated to 30kHz so it can be used with some ultrasonic transducers. Will work with our 100W and 300W ultrasonic air transducers. This is a 12-volt amplifier so you'll need a 12-volt battery, or 12 or 15-volt power supply for it.
Great for experimenting with ultrasound and for remote places where there are no power sockets. Small 12V lead acid battery can be used to power it. This is a dual power amp and outputs 2 x 120 watts (peak power), which is about 2 x 40 watts RMS.
Can be used as a Phasor Pain Field generator if you use it with our Sweep Frequency IC, or for experimenting with LRAD sonic weapon (input sweep frequency into one channel, and steady ultrasound tone into the other one). There's also now experimentation in some universities with using ultrasound to deliver INFRA-sound at distance to kill insects. Ultrasonic insecticide! It works like LRAD but instead of creating an audible tone sweep at distance, it creates inaudible infrasound by using two ultrasonic tones about 6 Hz apart. You can use this dual amp for that as well.
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