2 lbs. of Rich Unsearched NC Gold Paydirt, plus gold added!!!
2 lb. Bag of Rich Unsearched NC Gold Paydirt + Gold Added! SPECIAL DEAL: Buy 5 at once get 1 free! Buy 10 at once get 3 free!____Now With Twice The Gold Per Pound Added!____ This 2 lb. bag of North Carolina gold paydirt includes fine gold & flakes added into 2 lb. of rich unsearched gold paydirt straight from the hole we are currently producing gold from. We always make sure to get the material from some of our more profitable dirt, it is then screened to 1/4 in. to classify out the larger rocks, this concentrates the gold bearing material while still allowing the chance to find decent size nuggets. You will find Fine Gold and Flakes in every bag, but Pickers are common and there is the occasional Nugget. The picture of the gold in the pan is a few ounces at least and is more than what is added to the paydirt bag but it is a good reference to give you an idea of the size gold you will be finding in our paydirt. Good luck & have fun panning :) ________Tips: I recommend panning this paydirt around 1 cup at time in a catch basin (any bin/container large enough to fit your pan in) This way you can go through your material a couple times so as to get all the fine gold that might have slipped out with the black sands. If you have never panned for gold before search "how to pan for gold", "gold panning technique", or "gold panning" on youtube to view instructional videos._________ (Also check out our other products to view our other great paydirt options including 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,15, and 20 lb. Unsearched + Gold Bags.)