12 Secrets To Getting Selected: Spec Ops Essential Guide For All Future Operators
Thinking about trying out for Spec Ops?
Are you thinking about applying for Navy SEAL BUD/S, MARSOC A&S, SFAS, PJ Indoc, CCT Indoc and Ranger Indoc?
You can make it with these ESSENTIAL Spec Ops preparation guide SECRETS. Guaranteed the fastest way into Spec Ops. This book is a MUST read if you are thinking about trying out for Spec Ops. Full of Spec Ops Fitness workouts (multiple special forces workouts with and without fitness equipment, Navy SEAL, MARSOC, PJ, and CCT specific swim workouts), simplified nutrition, gear preparation, Spec Ops foot care, MINDSET, and the 12 MUST know SECRETS on how to get through any hell week (Navy SEAL BUD/S, MARSOC A&S, Special Forces Assessment and Selection, Pararescue Indoc, Combat Control Technician Indoc, Ranger Indoc). This is the book the Spec Ops cadre don't want you to read before you try out. If you are looking to become a Navy SEAL, Army Special Forces, MARSOC Critical Skills Operator, Air Force Pararescue, Combat Control Technician, or an Army Ranger, this is the book for you.
About The Author: Chase Warren has extensive training in Close Quarters Battle (CQB), Unconventional Warfare, Para Operations, Amphibious Operations, Small Unit Tactics, Medical Trauma Care, Survive, Evade, Resist, and Escape (SERE School), Language Training, various team leader and war fighting schools. He has deployed to every continent (except Antarctica) in support of missions to shape the environment. See More At 12STGS.com to get your free copy.