110 Ways to Spot a Toxic Person - I Love No One
My books are all easy reads. In fact you can read them even if you are in a crisis and often in one sitting.
They are all full of questions, statements and short sentences as well as quotes, not to mention lots of help to finding your way and stay on track to well-being.
They all have lots of room for contemplation and your own notes.
"110 Ways to Spot a Toxic Person" is a concise and clear manual on how to identify and deal with the people in our lives that leave us feeling anywhere from "ICKY" to down-right abused. I already knew who most of the people in my own life were from the moment I saw the title. However, this little book completely validated what my guts knew to be true. I no longer have to wonder if I am crazy! Thanks to the authors for making it so simple to live in a new way! I am confident you will feel empowered to get rid of that influence in your life and DE-TOX from them one by one!
Lisa Villa Prosen