1,000 Character Writing Prompts: Villains, Heroes and Hams for Scripts, Stories and More (Story Prompts for Journaling, Blogging and Beating Writer's Block)
From the author of 1,000 Creative Writing Prompts, this 150,000+ word reference tool can serve writers who need characters and need them now! If character development is your problem, this detailed reference tool for any writer is the solution. Imagine if every time you sat down to brainstorm for your stories, scripts and more, you had a notebook full of character ideas ready to spring to life on the page. This time-saving, idea-generating tome can ensure that from protagonist to checkout girl, your characters are fully developed and captivating. Covering a variety of genres, time periods and styles, 1,000 Character Writing Prompts, adds nuance and depth to the typical character stereotypes many writers rely on. The book includes the following archetypes:* Superheroes, sidekicks and secret agents* Monsters, demons and strange creatures* Optimists, pessimists and screw ups* Zombies, werewolves and vampires* Lawyers, doctors and butchers* Rebels, ninjas, actors, villains, pets, babies and many more!Each of the 1,000 character ideas ends with a question or command to push you past your writer's block and into a creative flow state for your future writing sessions. This sequel to author Bryan Cohen's popular 1,000 Creative Writing Prompts can take your writing productivity to a whole new level.Bryan Cohen is a director, a comedian and an author of several books on the art of writing including 1,000 Creative Writing Prompts: Ideas for Blogs, Scripts, Stories and More and Writer on the Side: How to Write Your Book Around Your 9 to 5 Job. His website Build Creative Writing Ideas helps over 240,000 visitors a year to push past writer's block and reach their creative goals. He lives in Chicago.