100 ReptiWorms Medium ReptiWorms
ReptiWorms TM are naturally high in calcium and low in fat.
No feeding, no maintenance to keep them.
Low die off/waste. Compare to Crickets.
No chirping like crickets, No Smell like Crickets.
Can be kept in their container, no setup required.
Raised on scientifically formulated feed, lab tested and proven to provide more nutrition than superworms.
They have an ideal 1.43:1 Calcium:Phosphorus ratio.
(Between the Ca:P range of 1:1 to 2:1 as recommended by the herp community
They don't burrow as fast as superworms, they wiggle about which keeps herps interested
Contain high amounts of lauric acid which helps battle diseases such as Coccidia<
Low maintenance, they can live for 2-3 weeks at room temperature and for months when cooled to 50-60 degrees F.
ReptiWorms TM are perfect for the person looking for an alternative to crickets, superworms, mealworms and waxworms.